2nd AutoML Fall School, 10 – 13 October: Learn from experts at the satellite event in Hannover

Automated machine learning (AutoML) is one of the key technologies for the fast and efficient development of AI and data science projects. However, there are few chances to learn from experts in the field.

The 2nd AutoML Fall School, jointly organized by Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, and Leibniz Universität Hannover, offers students, researchers, and practitioners the opportunity to learn about the core aspects of AutoML: from basic theory to modern methods and current challenges. One of the organisers is L3S member Prof. Dr. Marius Lindauer.

The 2nd AutoML Fall School offers a unique and intensive learning experience through lectures and guest talks by internationally renowned experts, including Aleksandra Faust (Google), Prof. Luigi Nardi (Lund University and Stanford), Colin White (Abacus.AI), Prof. Joeran Beel (University of Siegen), Dr. Carola Doerr (Sorbonne University Paris) and Prof. Luc de Raedt (KU Leuven). There will also be hands-on exercises where participants learn about open-source academic and industry-driven implementations. Mentors are AutoML experts, such as Alex Smola (Amazon) or Erin LeDell (H2O).

The 2nd AutoML Fall School event will be held from 10 to 13 October 2022 in Freiburg. In addition, the institute of AI and the L3S offer a satellite event in Hannover, open for students and researchers in Hannover:
