AI Grid as guest at L3S

According to the motto “Meet your Mentors”, twenty young AI talents from the AI Grid met experienced AI researchers from L3S on 4 September. The AI Grid is an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) promoting the exchange between young AI talents and strengthening synergies. At the “Meet your Mentors” event in Hannover, the young scientists, who had travelled from all over Germany, gained insights into different subfields of AI research and benefited from personal encounters across disciplinary boundaries. As a member of the AI Grid steering committee, Johannes Winter (Chief Strategy Officer of L3S) led through the well-attended event. L3S scientists Marius Lindauer, Prasenjit Mitra, Daniel Kudenko and Alexander Dockhorn presented their research projects on AutoML, personalised medicine, hybrid AI and gaming. Nicolás Navarro gave a tour of the new L3S Robo-Lab. Speed dating then gave the opportunity for personal exchange about current AI topics and the mentees’ own research work. 

One of the participants summed it up like this: “Thanks for organising such a wonderful event. It was very helpful for me as a master student. I also got a meeting to discuss my PhD with Professor Mitra. It was nice to meet everyone in person and share the insights.”