Dr. Víctor Uc-Cetina from Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mexico joins L3S with a DAAD Scholarship

Dr. Víctor Uc-Cetina, Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mexico, has been at L3S since the beginning of September as a recipient of a DAAD scholarship for Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists. He is hosted by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl and will be at L3S throughout the month of September.

At L3S, Dr. Uc-Cetina is actively working on the research project “Image-Based Reinforcement Learning using Vision Transformers” in collaboration with L3S research group leader Dr. Nicolás Navarro-Guerrero, who supported his application for the research stay.

Dr. Uc-Cetina’s research focuses on two key areas: exploring the potential of transformer architectures to enhance the performance of reinforcement learning algorithms in continuous state spaces, and developing optimal methodologies for implementing and deploying retrieval-augmented generation systems using large language models in industry.