AI in production: IIP-Ecosphere invites to first digital workshop talk live at Gerresheimer AG

IIP-Ecosphere invites you to the digital kick-off event of the Werkstattgespräche

on 18 January 2022 at 1 pm,
live at Gerresheimer AG,

the world’s leading manufacturer of special glass and plastic products for the pharma and healthcare industry.

With the series Werkstattgespräche, IIP-Ecosphere provides insights into the demonstrators developed in the project, which show exemplarily how AI solutions can be implemented in production. The first workshop discussion focuses on the demonstrator at Gerresheimer’s Bünde site, which shows how AI helps in the high-volume production of glass syringes.

In addition, the company will present other AI projects in the field of mechanical engineering and production and focus on the following questions:

· How are AI projects planned and realised?
· How do you scale an initial solution for productive use?
· What IT infrastructure is needed?

Employees from Gerresheimer’s development department and cooperation partners from the Institute for Information Processing at Leibniz Universität Hannover, will take part in the event. L3S member Prof. Dr. Jörn Ostermann, Head of the Institute, will moderate the expert discussion on the development and use of AI in the production environment. The panel will also take questions and comments from the audience.

In addition to the demonstrator at Gerresheimer, three other demonstrators are being developed in the IIP-Ecosphere project, which will be the topic of the upcoming workshop talks:

· Sennheiser: Autonomous robot cells for final inspection in printed circuit board production.
· Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles: Cross-plant optimisation of cycle times
· Gildemeister: AI-based assistance systems for cycle optimisation

Click here for the programme and registration

About IIP-Ecosphere
Launched in 2019, the IIP-Ecosphere (Next Level Ecosphere for Intelligent Industrial Production) project networks stakeholders from business and science in an ecosystem of intelligent production and develops application-oriented AI methods and innovative business models for the next generation of Industry 4.0. The goal is to strengthen competitiveness through self-optimisation of production. The ecosystem with 18 consortium and 57 associated partners is developing, among other things, an AI solution catalogue and a virtual platform to increase manufacturer independence and is thus increasingly experimenting in the industrial environment. In addition, legal, organisational and technical framework conditions are being developed so that data can be shared more easily and securely to improve and develop new services. In this way, SMEs and start-ups in particular are enabled to apply and further develop AI methods for intelligent production themselves.

As one of the winners of the “Artificial Intelligence Innovation Competition”, IIP-Ecosphere has been funded by the BMWi for three years with around 8.5 million euros since the start of the project.

About Gerresheimer
Gerresheimer is a leading global partner to the pharma and healthcare industry with around 10,000 employees worldwide. At its site in Bünde in the Herford district Gerresheimer operates one of the world’s most modern production plants for prefillable syringe systems and cartridges. With around 800 employees, the plant in Bünde is regarded as the Group’s competence centre for syringes used for the long-term storage of medicines such as vaccines.

In Bünde, the Automation Systems department develops machines for the company’s own production – from design to the Industry 4.0 digitalisation platform. The deep value chain in the area of design, electrical planning and software development makes it possible to exert great influence on process control and monitoring. The Industry 4.0 platform developed in Bünde consists, among other things, of inline inspection systems and various tools to acquire and evaluate data.