Dr Daniel Kudenko, research group leader at L3S and managing director of DAISEC, has been appointed a member of the European Laboratory for Learning and […]
The HashGNN algorithm presented by L3S researchers Prof Wolfgang Nejdl and Wei Wu at the Web Conference 2021 has been implemented in the Neo4j Graph […]
The AutoML Summer School will take place in the first week of September; for the first time in Hanover! Keynote speakers include Prof Kristian Kersting […]
ORKG Ask – a scientific search and exploration system – provides answers from 80 million scientific publications. The service helps researchers find the scientific papers […]
The Lower Saxony science portal “Wissen hoch N” now features an article on research at L3S about the effects of social media on the perception […]
The Lower Saxony Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and Causal Methods in Medicine (CAIMed) has been officially launched. More than 100 participants from science, politics, […]
ELLIS – the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems – aims to strengthen Europe’s sovereignty in modern AI research. The L3S is now represented […]
At the Smart City Days on 8 May in Hanover, L3S scientists are offering an AI workshop for school classes. Presentations and workshops at the […]
L3S Director Prof. Wolfgang Nejdl is the best computer scientist in Lower Saxony according to a ranking just released by research.com, a leading academic platform […]
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marius Lindauer Member mitra@l3s.de – Prof. Dr. Prasenjit Mitra Associated Member Prasenjit Mitra is Professor of Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence […]