DAISEC kicks off with successful launch event

The European Digital Innovation Hub for AI and Security (DAISEC) started yesterday with a kick-off at Leibnizhaus in Hannover. In the morning, the core partners met for an internal workshop, followed in the afternoon by an information event for more than 60 guests from associations, research, administration and industry.

Prof. Wolfgang Nejdl welcomed the guests and, together with DAISEC Managing Director Dr. Daniel Kudenko, gave an insight into the visions and plans of the project which is coordinated by the L3S Research Centre. Afterwards, the partners introduced themselves and presented the focus topics of artificial intelligence and cyber security as well as the three core sectors of production, mobility and crafts. The presentations were followed by a get-together session, giving the guests the opportunity to network over food and drink. A successful start for an exciting project.

More information on the project and a detailed report on the event can be found at www.daisec.de.