DAISEC officially becomes European Digital Innovation Hub

The Digital Innovation Hub for AI and Cybersecurity (DAISEC) has successfully applied to become a European Digital Innovation Hub.

Following submission in February, the application for EDIH status for the DAISEC has now been officially approved. The Hub will be funded with two million euros annually for an initial three years, with a possible extension for another four years. 50% of the funding will come from the EU, with the remainder being national co-funding. “We are looking forward to starting soon as a European Digital Innovation Hub and to participating in European networking and collaboration with other European experts in the fields of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity,” says Dr. Daniel Kudenko, coordinator of the DAISEC.

The DAISEC supports small and medium-sized enterprises in the fields of production, mobility, and skilled crafts, as well as the public sector in Lower Saxony in the application and development of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity technologies with services in the areas of Test before Invest, Skills and Training, Support to find Investments and Networking.