Hochoptimierte Open-Source-RISC-V-Prozessoren für universelle Anwendungen
To save time in the development of modern Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) and reduce development complexity, it is essential to use IP components, which are available as both proprietary and open-source modules. Programmable soft-core processors are particularly relevant, as they are used as control units in SoCs and are also available as open source. Despite the advantages of open cores, such as a modifiable and extensible hardware description, the drawbacks of many hardware projects from various sources are significant. In many cases, there is only a so-called behavioral hardware description, which is not always optimally mapped for different target platforms (ASIC, FPGA) and design requirements.
This project aims to address these weaknesses by developing a highly optimized and configurable soft-core processor family based on the RISC-V open-source architecture. Compiler support will be added by extending the architecture targets of the existing LLVM backend. An aligned open-source synthesis toolflow will generate optimized netlists. The resulting open-source framework will be published. For demonstration purposes, various example applications will be implemented and deployed on the Cologne Chip GateMate FPGA as part of the project.
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Programm“Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Design-Instrumente für souveräne Chipentwicklung mit Open-Source (DE:Sign)”
- Cologne Chip AG

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Guillermo Payá Vayá
Projektkoordinator und Projektleiter