Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Magnor

Mitglied des erweiterten Direktoriums

Marcus Magnor

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Magnor

Mitglied des erweiterten Direktoriums

Marcus Magnor heads the Computer Graphics Lab of the Computer Science Department at Technische Universität Braunschweig (TU Braunschweig).


Marcus Magnor’s research interests concern visual computing, i.e. visual information processing from image formation, acquisition, and analysis to image synthesis, display, perception, and cognition. Areas of research include, but are not limited to, computer graphics, vision, visual perception, image processing, computational photography, astrophysics, imaging, optics, visual analytics, and visualization.


For a list of Marcus Magnor’s publications, besuchen Sie bitte seine Google Scholar-Seite.

Curriculum Vitae

Marcus Magnor heads the Computer Graphics Lab der  Computer Science Department an der  Technische Universität Braunschweig (TU Braunschweig).

He received his BA (1995) and MS (1997) in physics from  Würzburg University and the  University of New Mexico, respectively, and his PhD (2000) in electrical engineering from  Erlangen University. For his post-graduate studies, he joined the  Computer Graphics Lab an der  Stanford University. In 2002, he established the Independent Research Group Graphics-Optics-Vision at the  Max-Planck-Institut Informatik in Saarbrücken. He completed his habilitation in 2005 and received the venia legendi for computer science from  Saarland University. In addition to his full professorship at TU Braunschweig, he holds an appointment as adjunct professor at the  Department of Physics and Astronomy der  University of New Mexico, USA. He is alumnus of the  Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, a former  Fulbright scholar, elected member of the  Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, and laureate of the  Wissenschaftspreis Niedersachsen.

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