Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Fidler


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Fidler

Mitglied des erweiterten Direktoriums

Markus Fidler is Professor at the  Institute for Communication Technology at the Leibniz University Hannover.


Performance of Communication Systems

  • Modeling
  • Analysis: Network Calculus + Effective Bandwidths
  • Measurements: Available Bandwidth Estimation
  • Parallel Systems: Parallel Processing, Multi-path Protocols


  • Future Internet
  • Multimedia Coding and Delivery
  • Wireless, Cognitive Radio

Car-2-X Communications

  • Cooperative Awareness, Collective Perception
  • Congestion Control
  • Cooperative ADAS, Platooning

For a list of Markus Fidler’s publications, please  follow this link.

Curriculum Vitae

Markus Fidler received the doctoral degree in computer engineering from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, in 2004. He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Institute Mittag-Leffler, KTH Stockholm, Sweden, in 2004, NTNU Trondheim, Norway, in 2005, and the University of Toronto, ON, Canada, in 2006. During 2007 and 2008, he was an Emmy Noether Research Group Leader at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, where he received his habilitation degree in 2008. Since 2009, he has been a Professor of communications networks at Leibniz University Hannover. He was awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2012.

Laufende Projekte am L3S

VaMoS 2

VaMoS 2

Schließung der Lücke zwischen systemorientierter Forschung und warteschlangentheoretischen Arbeiten über parallele Systeme.


Exploring age-of-information based metrics of signal-aware sensor sampling to optimize information that is available at a remote monitor.
Zukunftslabor "Mobilität" (Future Lab "Mobility")

Zukunftslabor “Mobilität” (Future Lab “Mobility”)

Im Zukunftslabor Mobilität erforscht das L3S die kommunikationsbasierte Fusion von Sensordaten verschiedener Fahrzeuge zu einer kollektiven Wahrnehmung.