Sören Auer is Director of the TIB in Hanover as well as Head of the research group Data Science and Digital Libraries.
Sören Auer’s research focus – with special attention on semantic data interlinking for artificial intelligence – are in the following areas:
- Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Engineering & Management
- Information Systems, Databases, Data Integration, Linked Data, Semantic and Web Technologies
- Software and Systems Engineering, data-driven Platforms, Web Engineering
- Enterprise Integration, Semantically enhanced Service Oriented Architectures
- Digital Libraries, E-Science, Science Governance, Peer-Review, Open Access
- Semantic Data Integration for Engineering & Manufacturing (Industry 4.0), Mobility and Built Environment (Smart Cities), Digital Libraries & Research Infrastructures
For a list of Sören Auer’s publications, besuchen Sie bitte seine Google Scholar-Seite.
Following stations at the universities of Dresden, Ekaterinburg, Leipzig, Pennsylvania, Bonn and the Fraunhofer Society, Sören Auer was appointed Professor of Data Science and Digital Libraries at Leibniz Universität Hannover and Director of the TIB in 2017.
Prof. Auer has made important contributions to semantic technologies, knowledge engineering and information systems. He has led several large collaborative research projects, such as the EU H2020 flagship project BigDataEurope.
Sören Auer was founding director of the Big Data Value Association, led the semantic data representation in the Industrial/International Data Space, is an expert for industry, European Commission, W3C, the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
Laufende Projekte am L3S





Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG),

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Generating Machine-actionable Agroecological Knowledge

Leibniz AI Academy