Dr. Marco Fisichella


Dr. Marco Fisichella


  • Informationsbeschaffung
  • Cluster Analyse
  • Statistische Methoden
  • Erkennung von Ausreißern und Anomalien
  • Betrugsszenarien
Curriculum Vitae

Marco Fisichella has 13+ years of experience in Artificial Intelligence both in the industry and in academia.

Since April 2021, at L3S Research Center of Leibniz University Hanover, he leads the research group with a focus on artificial intelligence and intelligent systems. As part of the activities at L3S, new methods of artificial intelligence have to be researched both in the field of basic research and in application-oriented research, especially for the application fields of mobility, intelligent production and personalised medicine.

From 2015 till March 2021, he was Head of the Data at Otto Group, where he was directing the department in charge of implementing algorithms against online frauds. He led various AI and data science projects for corporate clients (e.g. Otto, Vodafone, DriveNow, Bonprix, etc.).

Prior to that, he spent 7+ years at the Leibniz University Hannover focusing on AI with 30+ publications and 250 citations. At the Leibniz University, Marco achieved his Ph.D. with the grade Magna cum Laude and was lecturer of the Artificial Intelligence course for the Master in Computer Science.

Laufende Projekte am L3S


RECITALS: Eine Open-Source Plattform für den datenschutzwahrenden Datenaustausch und das Identitätsmanagement mithilfe von Kryptografie, föderalem Lernen und KI.


Vorhersage von Long-/Post-COVID durch künstliche Intelligenz unter Verwendung eines föderierten Lernansatzes auf Basis deutscher Kohortendaten