L3S-Forscher helfen mit ihren Kenntnissen und Erfahrungen bei der Entwicklung von Start-ups.

Entwicklung eines intelligenten Kreuzfahrt-Beratungstools
This project focusses on developing new applications of machine learning for the digital cruise advisor Cruisewatch.

PQmail: Quantencomputer-resistente Kryptographie
With the help of L3S, the developers of Tutanota want to integrate quantum-safe encryption into their e-mail client of the same name in an exemplary way, so that confidential communication cannot be read by third parties.

One of the biggest cost drivers in fashion eCommerce is return shipments. Dresslife aims to reduce these returns with the help of AI technology.

Automatische Schadenserkennung
This cooperation between claimbird and L3S aims to meet the requirements for automated damage detection. For this purpose, a data set is built up and trained for a deep learning system, which can support the insurance companies in analyzing and evaluating claims.