Issue: 03/2018 Digitale Bildung Humanities digital Digitalisation does not stop at the humanities either. Large quantities of texts, images and other digital objects can be […]
Issue: 03/2018 Digitale Bildung Learning together on the Web Google, Facebook, Youtube – the Internet and its social networks have changed the way we communicate […]
Issue: 03/2018 Digitale Bildung How can the web help with learning? Everyone knows that: What you don’t know is quickly asked on the Internet – […]
Foto: ©vege – Issue: 02/2018 Maschinelles Lernen Machine Learning and Social Media What other people think has always been an important piece of information […]
©Egor – Issue: 02/2018 Maschinelles Lernen Legal implications of machine learning Data protection, transparency and responsibility When we talk about machine learning (ML), one […]
Foto: ©David Perez – Issue: 02/2018 Maschinelles Lernen Machine learning for the automatic detection of vanishing points Just don’t lose your bearings In some […]
Issue: 02/2018 Maschinelles Lernen Interpreting Search Engine Rankings Today algorithmic decision making is prevalent in several fields including medicine, automobiles and retail. On one hand, […]
Foto: ©senoldo – Issue: 02/2018 Maschinelles Lernen Web archives allow a look into the past Big Data and the Lost Web The Internet doesn’t […]
Issue: 01/2018 Innovation durch Forschung New manufacturing process for high-performance chips Micro- and nanoelectronics is a key technology for digitization, as it is the key to […]
Foto: ©Olivier Le Moal – Fotolia Issue: 01/2018 Innovation durch Forschung How autonomous vehicles learn from us Autonomously driving cars have long since ceased to […]