Start: 01.10.2023 End: 30.09.2026 Website: PEARL-DNA Interoperable end-to-end platform of scalable and sustainable high-throughput technologies for DNA-based digital data storage Advances in artificial intelligence, […]
CAIMed Logo
Start: 01.11.2023 End: 31.10.2028 Website: CAIMed Lower Saxony Center for AI and Causal Methods in Medicine CAIMed is the Lower Saxony Center for Artificial […]
Start: 01.01.2024 End: 31.12.2026 Website: ADINeMo Age- and Deviation-of-Information of Signal-agnostic and Signal-aware Sensor Sampling in Networked Monitoring We consider a system where a […]
Start: 01.11.2023 End: 31.10.2026 Website: PRAD Adaptive and dynamic personal guidance for self-rescue and rescue of others Detection of persons and surroundings on the basis […]
Start: 01.11.2022 End: 31.10.2025 Website: USWA Ultra Scalable Wireless Access The technical and scientific objectives of the USWA sub-project “Simulator and SDR of DECT-2020 […]
Start: 01.01.2019 End: 31.12.2026 Website: SE²A Consistent Multilevel Model Coupling and Knowledge Representation in Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design  Project B4-2 addresses, in close collaboration […]
Start: 01.01.2023 End: 31.12.2025 Website: CLEVER Collaborative edge-cLoud continuum and Embedded AI for a Visionary industry of thE futuRe CLEVER proposes a series of […]
Start: 01.01.2024 End: 31.12.2025 Website: ARENA Integrating large language models with knowledge graphs for the purpose of scientific paper reviewing Using AI in peer review […]
Das L3S-Team kam zum ersten Town Hall Meeting im Jahr 2024 zusammen, um neue Kollegen und Projekte kennenzulernen. Es wurden Preise für die besten Arbeiten verliehen.
Start: 01.02.2024 End: 31.01.2026 Website: – OffshorePlan2 Offshore plan-complementary using mathematical and event based discrete models for handling complex offshore wind farm installation strategies “OffshorePlan2” […]