Here you can find an overview of all our currently active L3S projects. Many of our projects are also classified under our research focus areas of Text Mining and Search, Knowledge Graphs and Data Integration, Natural Language Processing, Scene and Video Analysis, and Machine and Deep Learning. They can also be sorted by our focus areas of Manufacturing, Medicine, Science, Security, and Society. See the Project Archive for a list of completed L3S projects.

Text Mining and Search | Business & Society
Artificial intelligence for the detection of trade-related money laundering

Conditional Coding for Learned Image and Video Compression
Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Science
This project deals with learning-based video coding using a meta-learning-based procedure for regularization and dynamic adaptation of the decoder.

Green AutoML for Driver Assistance Systems
Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Energy & Sustainability
The aim of the GreenAutoML4FAS project is to design a holistic, carbon-efficient system for driver assistance systems

Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Energy & Sustainability
GLACIATION aims to reduce carbon emissions by developing a distributed knowledge graph that improves the efficiency of big data analysis.

Knowledge Graphs and Data Integration, Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Science
The LUMEN project is a pioneering initiative to transform cross-domain collaboration and discovery in Mathematics (Maths), Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), Earth System (ES), and Molecular Dynamics (MD).

Leibniz AI Academy
Machine and Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing and Scene and Video Analysis | Education
Development and establishment of a transcurricular, cross-disciplinary micro-degree program "Leibniz AI Academy" at Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH).

Metaphor as an Explanation Tool (TRR 318 C04)
Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Graphs and Data Integration | Business & Society
The project study with the help of natural language processing how metaphors function and are used within explanations, in order to contribute to the future of explainable AI systems.

NFDI4 Data Science
Knowledge Graphs and Data Integration | Science
NFDI4 Data Science aims to establish a national research data infrastructure in Germany to support all stages of the interdisciplinary research data lifecycle for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Omnidirectional Videos in VR
Energy & Sustainability
This project aims is for a more lifelike perception of omnidirectional video in VR display systems with increased realism of the displayed content.

| Energy & Sustainability
Complementary using mathematical and event based discrete models for handling complex offshore wind farm installation strategies.

Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG)
Knowledge Graphs and Data Integration
ORKG empowers researchers by making knowledge accessible. Discover relevant contributions, explore cutting-edge research, and foster interdisciplinary collaboration.

OER with Ukraine
This project aimed to expand the digital teaching offers of the Ukrainian partner universities of the LUH. Teaching and learning videos from various fields of computer science are produced and integrated into the ongoing teaching activities of the partner universities.

Online Optimierung
Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Science
The goal of the project is to develop and investigate online convex optimization (OCO)-based control schemes for general cost functions and constraints without relying on restrictive assumptions.

Real-Action VR
Energy & Sustainability
In this project we set out to pioneer the fully immersive experience of action camera recordings in VR headsets.

Robotics Lab
Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Production, Science
The L3S’s Robot Learning Lab works on foundational research to develop increasingly autonomous assistive systems.

Reflect AI
The project aims to develop hybrid artificial intelligence models that use art-historical expertise and knowledge graphs to improve image similarity assessments in art history.

SoBigData RI PPP
Text Mining and Search
The SoBigData RI Preparation Phase Project (PPP) is the preparatory phase of the SoBigData RI in the ESFRI RoadMap 2021.

Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Energy & Sustainability
SWIFTT will provide forest managers with affordable, simple and effective remote sensing tools backed up by powerful machine learning models. It will offer a holistic health monitoring service to detect and map various risks for forests and their managers

Towards a Framework for Assessing Explanation Quality (TRR 318 INF)
Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Business & Society
In this project, we study the pragmatic goal of all explaining processes: to be successful — that is, for the explanation to achieve the intended form of understanding.

The ZUSE-KI-mobil project aime to develop an AI accelerator with a flexible, expandable and scalable system-on-chip (SoC) architecture.

Zukunftslabor “Gesellschaft und Arbeit” (Future Lab “Society and Work”)
Business & Society
In the Future Lab (Zukunftslabor) Society and Work, L3S carries out research on intelligent, reliable and responsible approaches of artificial intelligence.

Zukunftslabor “Produktion” (Future Lab “Production”)
In the Future Lab (Zukunftslabor) Production, L3S researches artificial intelligence methods to support industrial manufacturing.