




Generating Machine-actionable Agroecological Knowledge

Conducting Science in the 21st Century: A Case Study for Machine-actionable Scientific Literature in Agroecology

Confronted with over 750 new publications per year, agroecologists struggle to stay abreast of the latest findings. The ORKG is an initiative to address this challenge by digitalizing scholarly knowledge in a format that is human- and machine-readable. Yet, a key barrier to scaling its use is that data published in a PDF format cannot automatically be fed into the ORKG, but rather must be manually entered. We seek to address this challenge and motivate a paradigm shift in the way scientific knowledge is shared by creating a tool that allows ecologists to publish their data in a machine-readable format from the outset.

Funding program

Flexible Funds, Leibniz University Hannover

Project partners
  • Dr Lars Vogt – Technical Information Library (TIB)
  • Prof. Dr. Emily Poppenborg Martin – Justus Liebig University Gießen, Institute of Animal Ecology and Special Zoology
  • Dr Ricardo Perez-Alvarez – Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Geobotany


Prof. Dr. Sören Auer

Project Manager