Bio-inspired tactile sensor for robotics – Vibration based dynamical tactile sensing
Tactile sensors are vital for many robotic applications, such as dexterous robotic grasping, prostheses, and surgical robots. However, few companies offer these types of sensors, and they are too expensive and fragile to be viable in many applications. In this project, we will further develop our vibration-based dynamical tactile sensor and integrate it into the Robotic hand of our Praxis partner, Nibotics. Our project offers a cost-effective solution to the crucial need for tactile perception and object manipulation. Our sensor is designed to seamlessly integrate into any shape and size grippers, demonstrating its versatility. Furthermore, the sensor’s electronic components are housed in the robot’s hand, protecting it from water, dust, and collisions. Our longer-term goal is to develop the necessary technological solutions to enable dexterous robot manipulation at a lower cost and, thus, increase the impact of haptic perception on relevant societal problems.

Project Coordinator
and Project Manager