Issue: 02/2020 Innovation, Krisen, Startups Corona: Online storytelling When schools and universities in Italy were forced to close as a result of the Corona pandemic, […]
Foto: Tom Figiel, HUB / MHH Issue: 02/2020 Innovationen Krisen Startups Corona: The MHH’s package of measures Corona viruses have caused two epidemics in the […]
Issue: 02/2020 Innovationen Krisen Startups Corona: Fast, reliable and efficient testing The infection control measures of the last few weeks have so far prevented the […]
Issue: 02/2020 Innovationen Krisen Startups Corona: Help with distance learning The corona crisis has a strong impact on the education system. Normal attendance classes for […]
Fotos: VWN Issue: 02/2020 Innovationen Krisen Startups Getting innovations flowing What makes one vehicle more valuable today than another? Probably not the new paint or […]
Issue: 02/2020 Innovationen Krisen Startups Thomas Hahn is Chief Software Expert at Siemens and President of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA), Photo: Siemens AG […]
Foto: Cruisewatch Issue: 02/2020 Innovationen Krisen Startups AI for cruisers The cruise market has grown rapidly in recent years. It has established itself as the growth driver […]
Foto: Adobe Stock Issue: 02/2020 Innovationen Krisen Startups Post-quantum cryptography for e-mail E-mails are as confidential as postcards. To prevent third parties from reading the […]
Foto: Adobe Stock Issue: 02/2020 Innovationen Krisen Startups Opportunities for innovative business ideas in Lower Saxony For one year now, anyone with an innovative, digital […]
Foto: Adobe Stock Issue: 02/2020 Innovationen Krisen Startups Digital Innovation Hubs: Door opener for digitization Europe must take advantage of the digital transformation to remain […]