Foto: ©Ocskay Mark – Issue: 03/2020 Sicherheit, Datenschutz, Ethik Participatory technology development for care 4.0 Every second German is older than 45. Who will […]
Foto: AdobeStock_178115286 Issue: 12/2020 Sicherheit, Datenschutz, Ethik Armed for the major attack? Technological developments such as cloud computing and the Internet of Things are shaping our […]
Foto: ©PhonlamaiPhoto – Issue: 03/2020 Sicherheit, Datenschutz, Ethik Ethical and legal standards for artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI)-based systems are already making decisions in many […]
Foto: ©Fusion Medical Animation – Issue: 02/2020 Innovation, Krisen, Startups Corona: Collecting data for predictive models Politicians around the world are currently trying to contain […]
Foto: Issue: 02/2020 Innovation, Krisen, Startups Corona: Analysing Twitter data The L3S and the Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS) continuously archive Twitter […]
Issue: 02/2020 Innovation, Krisen, Startups Corona: Automated genome analyses for SARS-Cov2 The SARS-Cov-2 virus has been spreading since the end of 2019, and the complete […]
Foto: QuizCo Issue: 02/2020 Innovation, Krisen, Startups Corona: Starting a business in times of pandemic QuizCo is a start-up at the L3S. The three founders […]
Foto: ORKG Issue: 02/2020 Innovation, Krisen, Startups Corona: Everything in view with the ORKG Several new scientific articles on COVID-19 are published daily. Many publishers […]
Issue: 02/2020 Innovation, Krisen, Startups Corona: Online storytelling When schools and universities in Italy were forced to close as a result of the Corona pandemic, […]
Foto: Tom Figiel, HUB / MHH Issue: 02/2020 Innovationen Krisen Startups Corona: The MHH’s package of measures Corona viruses have caused two epidemics in the […]