The Digital Innovation Hub for AI and Cybersecurity (DAISEC) has successfully applied to become a European Digital Innovation Hub. Following submission in February, the application […]
Das KI-Förderprojekt IIP-Ecosphere stellt am 29. Juni um 14:30 Uhr den Demonstrator Autonome Roboterzelle zur Leiterplattenendprüfung live aus der Werkhalle des Projektpartners Sennheiser vor. Derzeit werden bei Sennheiser rund 300 […]
Research not only leads to new discoveries, innovative startups emerge frequently, transforming the latest research results into ingenious business models. On June 29, 2022, the […]
Im Zukunftslabor Gesellschaft und Arbeit forscht das L3S an intelligenten, verlässlichen und verantwortungsvollen Ansätzen der künstlichen Intelligenz für die Unterstützung der Menschen bei ihrer täglichen […]
On the occasion of its 10-year anniversary, YELL (Young English Language Learners) organised a workshop for students and teachers to celebrate the joint educational research […]
The innovation hub MediaFutures brings together start-ups, SMEs and artists to solve challenges in the media industry. Now the initiative is funding 24 additional new […]
Under the title “Artificial Intelligence for Lower Saxony”, the L3S has created a web special on AI projects on the occasion of the AI theme […]
Björn Thümler, Lower Saxony’s Minister of Science and Culture, visited the L3S on 27 April to find out about research projects on artificial intelligence. The […]
When people hear the term crystal, most of them immediately think of twinkling jewellery. In reality, crystalline materials have a much wider range of applications, […]
The academic platform has published the 2022 edition of its scientist rankings. Accordingly, the L3S members Prof. Wolfgang Nejdl and Prof. Sören Auer are among the […]